MOM Li-Te-B23/360, Li-T1
theodolite with laser tube MOM  Li-Te-B23/360, Li-T1
record number: 59
instrument type: theodolite with laser tube
manufacturer: MOM
serial number: 243410
model: Li-Te-B23/360, Li-T1
weight: 5.22 kg
dimensions (l/w/h): 16/18/28 cm
year of manufacture: 1965
centering and leveling the instrument: optical plummet
circular level
toric level on the alidade
coincidence vertical circle level

The second-order theodolite was made in 1965. The theodolite is one of the most precise theodolites ever made in the MOM factory. The reading method is similar to the Zeiss system typical of second-order theodolites. By coinciding the diametral parts of the division, a part of the graduation unit of the division is determined and the second resolution of the reading on the circles is ensured.

The special feature of the theodolite is that a laser tube of a He-Ne Li-T1 laser can be added to the theodolite. A special attachment is used to direct the laser beam through the telescope. As the beam coincides with the line-of-sight axis, we can see the line-of-sight axis, which allows us measuring in the dark. This is particularly useful for staking out.

The instrument was used extensively in classic surveying exercises. The theodolite is still in excellent condition.

horizontal circle vertical circle
diameter: protected, 93 mm protected, 60 mm
type of division: engraved division engraved division
limb implementation: glass bracket glass bracket
division: sexagesimal/sexadecimal sexagesimal/sexadecimal
unit: 10' 10'
number of reading points: 1 1
reading device: coincidence micrometer coincidence micrometer
number of units: 600 600
graduation unit: 1'' 1''
repetition: screw /
diameter of objective: 45 mm
magnification: 30 x
type: telescope with internal focusing
cross hairs/reticule: Reichenbach's crosshairs, constant 100