Carl Zeiss Jena Theo 030
theodolite Carl Zeiss Jena Theo 030
record number: 36
instrument type: theodolite
manufacturer: Carl Zeiss Jena
serial number: 116256
model: Theo 030
weight: 3.96 kg
dimensions (l/w/h): 20/14/28 cm
year of manufacture: 1950
centering and leveling the instrument: plumb bob
circular level
toric level on the alidade, centrally set
vertical circle level

The minute-order theodolite was made in 1950. The classic Zeiss design of pre-World War II models is upgraded. The coincidence vertical circle level, the microscope for reading the division, placed next to the eyepiece of the telescope, the repetition device based on a Mahler membrane and the compass attachment further simplify and shorten the measuring process. The instrument still does not have an optical plummet; it is centred with an ordinary plummet. The division graduation unit of the line microscope is 1'.

The instrument was used for teaching work until the end of the 1990s, mainly for polar detail measurements and the measurement of simple polygon nets. In 2016, the instrument was cleaned and the microscope tube was partially re-lacquered.

horizontal circle vertical circle
diameter: protected, 94 mm protected, 74 mm
type of division: engraved division engraved division
limb implementation: glass bracket glass bracket
division: sexagesimal/sexadecimal sexagesimal/sexadecimal
number of reading points: 1 1
reading device: scale microscope scale microscope
number of units: 60 60
graduation unit: 1' 1'
repetition: Mahler membrane /
diameter of objective: 35 mm
magnification: 25 x
type: telescope with internal focusing
cross hairs/reticule: Reichenbach's crosshairs, constant 100