Breihaupt & Sohn Kassel
level with horizontal circle (transit) Breihaupt & Sohn Kassel
record number: 31
instrument type: level with horizontal circle (transit)
manufacturer: Breihaupt & Sohn Kassel
serial number: 57655
weight: 3.64 kg
dimensions (l/w/h): 34/15/19 cm
year of manufacture: 1920
instrument set up: levelling toric level
without tilting screw and circular level

The level with a horizontal circle (German: Nivelliertachymeter), made in 1920, is the only instrument in the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering collection from one of the oldest manufacturers of surveying instruments in the world. The level is unusually robust. It weighs 3.6 kg, which is about one third more than a level of comparable design. The instrument was mainly used to measure height differences, and the horizontal circle and the Reichenbach crosshairs also allowed detailed measurements on horizontal terrain.

The instrument was cleaned and partially lacquered in 2016.

horizontal circle
diameter: unprotected, 14 cm
type of division: engraved division
limb implementation: silvered metal bracket
division: sexagesimal/sexadecimal
unit: 30'
number of reading points: 1
reading device: vernier
number of units: 30
graduation unit: 1'
diameter of objective: 30 mm
magnification: /
type: telescope with internal focusing
cross hairs/reticule: Reichenbach's crosshairs, constant 100